Sandra Dallimore

Body Minded Awareness brings the focus to the connection with your body to settle your body and clarity to your thoughts
When we connect to our body we get a very honest message from it about where things are at - a sore shoulder, a stiff hip, a tense jaw, a restlessness in our legs or a feeling of anxiety or exhaustion.
Body Minded Awareness provides a stop moment in our day and the opportunity to reset and connect back to ourselves.
What we get from connecting with our body is a greater sense of the quality of our thoughts. When we stop, it can seem like our thoughts are incessant and loud but they've been that way all along only we've been too busy to notice.
Why wait for a stop moment that you didn't choose or plan when you can take a few moments in your day or week to connect with your body and feel a deep settlement that is waiting for you to reignite.
Sandra offers online public groups as well as tailored classes for individuals and organisations.